Ascott Gardens: Beautiful in Bloom

Published: 2022-06-02 / Author: Ascott Team

Spring has well and truly sprung at Ascott and the gardens are beginning to bloom, tadpoles fill the Lily pond and birds nest in the trees. We can’t wait to welcome you back to Ascott House and Gardens when it is safe to do so. In the meantime we would love to share with you the beauty of the gardens as they have been wonderfully maintained through the hard work of the gardening team. Please enjoy these scenes of our tranquil gardens and we look forward to your visit in the near future. If you’ve visited us before and have any garden pictures from your visit please do post them in the comments or on our social media, we’d love to see!


The start of our garden walk


Foxglove grow in the back gardens of Ascott House


Allium blooming in the back garden of Ascott House


Beautiful view to the Vale of Aylesbury


Dutch Iris flowers grow around the Lily Pond as ducks swim the surface


The weeping willows flourish over the Lily Pond


Heading back to the Front approach of the House


And finally, from the Archive, we recently found these pretty postcard style watercolours (there were 5 in total), there is no date attached to these. The prettiness of Ascott in Spring is certainly historic though, dating back to Leopold de Rothschild in the 1880’s who was himself a keen and talented gardener. Additions and alterations have since been made by subsequent generations. You can find out much more information from our Guide Book when we re-open! We wish everyone the best at this time and look forward to welcoming you to Ascott House and Gardens soon. Stay safe.
